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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates and Information

Updated March 26, 2020




In response to the presence of COVID-19 in the Twin Cities, effective Monday, March 30, 2020, Metropolitan Community Services' office will be closed until further notice in accordance to the Minnesota Stay-at-Home Executive Order issued by Governor Tim Walz. Our office employees will continue to conduct business as usual by phone and email to serve your needs. 


ESSENTIAL PROVIDER LETTER FOR EMPLOYEES employees must print this letter and write in their name on the line provided, and must keep this letter on their person at all times for the duration of the Stay-at-Home Order (March 27, 2020 to April 10, 2020). 


APPOINTMENTS will be conducted via phone or on a video-based platform like Zoom or Skype. 


TIMECARDS may continue to be deposited in the box in front of our office, or may be mailed according to the 2020 payroll schedule. 


Metropolitan Community Services will share updates on our website; Facebook page @MCSMinnesota; and Twitter page @MCSMinnesota. 


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 952-658-8995 or via email at


The situation is evolving, and information and recommendations are changing daily as new information becomes available. We thank you for your flexibility. Together we will successfully navigate these uncertain times.
























MCS Distribution Plan for COVID-19 Temporary 8.4% Rate Increase


MCS COVID-19 Preparedness Plan - Updated August 26, 2020.​


MCS COVID-19 Preparedness Plan - Effective June 29, 2020.


MCS No-Visitor Policy from March 17, 2020.


MCS Employee COVID-19 Guidelines from March 16, 2020.


MCS Client COVID-19 Statement from March 16, 2020.


Department of Health Services: Universal Precautions for Personal Care Assistants.


Caregiver Guide to COVID-19.


Center for Disease Control Recommended Precautions for Caregivers in the Home.






Center for Disease Control:


Minnesota Department of Health:

Call Us: 952-658-8995

Fax: 952-777-2263

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