What are homemaker services?
Services that help a person with general cleaning and household activities. HMK services are available to eligible individuals enrolled in a Minnesota Health Care Program. There are three types of homemaker services:
Homemaker/home management
Homemaker/assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs)
Who may receive homemaker services?
An individual can receive homemaker services when either:
The individual is unable to manage the general cleaning and household activities
The primary caregiver who is regularly responsible for these activities is unable to manage them or is temporarily absent
What services are covered?
An individual can receive any of the three types of homemaker services. All homemaker providers may monitor an individual's well-being while in the home, including safety.
Homemaker/Cleaning services include light housekeeping tasks. Homemaker/cleaning providers deliver home cleaning and laundry services.
Homemaker/home management providers deliver home cleaning services and, while onsite, provide assistance with home management activities as needed. Home management activities may include assistance with:
Arranging for transportation
Meal preparation
Shopping for food, clothing, and household supplies
Simple household repairs
Homemaker/assistance with ADLs providers deliver cleaning services and, while onsite, provide assistance with ADLs as needed. Assistance with ADLs includes assistance with the following:
What services are not covered?
An individual is ineligible to receive homemaker services if any of the following are true:
He or she lives in a licensed setting (e.g., foster care or supervised living facility)
He or she receives adult or child foster care, customized living, or 24-hour customized living
Homemaker services duplicate other Minnesota state plan or waiver services he or she already receives (e.g., chore, traditional services - BI, CAC, CADI and DD, or transitional services - EW)
Who is considered a primary caregiver?
Under the BI, CAC, CADI and DD waivers, the primary caregiver must both:
Maintain his or her primary residence at the same address as the individual who receives services
Be the owner or lessee of the primary residence
Under Alternative Care and EW, the primary caregiver does not need to reside at the same address as the individual receiving services.
Information retrieved from https://www.dhs.state.mn.us/main/idcplg?IdcService=GET_DYNAMIC_CONVERSION& RevisionSelectionMethod=LatestReleased&dDocName=id_001906#caregiver on March 28, 2019.